Remnants in Richmond, VA

vinyl remnant flooringRely on our specialists to replace any areas of your floor that are damaged. Specialists at our flooring store understand the desire to keep your current floors. After all, you searched tirelessly to find the perfect coverings. But when your carpet or vinyl has been damaged, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t be able to fix it.

We’re not talking about replacing the entire surface. Instead, browse through our remnants to find just what you’re looking for. Our vinyl and carpet remnants are exactly what they sound like. Throughout our typical business day, we go through rolls of different materials. When we get near the end of a roll, there is usually some material left over that’s not enough to cover an entire floor of an average-sized room with. But we like to use as much of our product as possible, so we sell the leftover pieces at extremely discounted prices. It’s the ideal way to get clearance flooring that meets your individual needs.

Clearance Flooring Perfect for Small Spaces or Patches

If you’re redoing the floors in a half-bath or another small space, you shouldn’t have to pay full retail price for such a small swatch of material. At our flooring store, we do whatever we can to ensure you get the products you need at prices that are right for your wallet. Typically, this involves keeping our operating costs in check by not adding all the distractions you would find at other retailers. But we go even further by selling carpet and vinyl remnants.

Because remnants are just small pieces of material, they are perfect for smaller spaces or patching places where your old flooring has been worn or damaged. Our installation professionals can complete the project and ensure the new pieces of flooring last as long as possible.

Offering a Large Selection of Carpet Remnants

Find the color and texture you need to match your existing carpet by browsing through our inventory of remnants. When customers come to our locally owned store, they are often surprised by the vast amount of products we carry. Because we have so many regular carpeting available, we typically have a variety of carpet remnants available. If you are trying to patch your flooring and don’t know exactly what you need, you can bring in a photo or, better yet, a small patch of your existing carpet so we can match both the color and the texture.

Save on Repairs with Our Vinyl Remnants

Our showroom is filled with a large inventory of in-stock items that are ready to be installed, including vinyl remnants. While no floor lasts forever, you can still preserve your current floors for as long as possible by patching damaged spots. And these repairs don’t have to cost a fortune, as long as you opt for remnants. With our selection and expertise, we’re certain you can find whatever type of vinyl you need. We’ll even install it for you so pretty soon, you won’t even be able to tell where the damage was.

Contact us today to learn more about our remnant flooring options. We proudly serve customers in the greater Richmond and Midlothian, Virginia, areas.